Leveraging AI for Code Quality: The Future of Automated Reviews

Swagato Mondal
Swagato Mondal
5 min read
Posted on December 07, 2023

Image by Claude AI UK

Leveraging AI for Code Quality: The Future of Automated Reviews

Image by Claude AI UK

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, the pursuit of impeccable code quality is an ongoing journey. Crafting clean, efficient, and bug-free code remains a fundamental goal for developers. Enter the AI era where cutting-edge tools act as silent enablers, transforming the code review process and substantially enhancing the overall quality of your codebase.

Unveiling the Code Improvement Suggester: Your AI-Powered Ally

Meet the Code Improvement Suggester – a revolutionary tool crafted to suggest code enhancements for every Pull Request seamlessly.

Designed with simplicity, this tool utilizes the capabilities of LangChain to integrate AI into your development workflow effortlessly.

from langchain.text_splitter import Language
from langchain.document_loaders.directory import DirectoryLoader
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS

class CodeImprovementSuggester:
    # ... (partial code snippet)

    def suggest_code_improvements(self, language: Language, file_extension: str, max_token: int = 1000):
        # ... (partial code snippet)
        return answers

How It Works


The tool is initialized with critical parameters, such as the API key for AzureOpenAI, the repository path, and the specific file names to be analyzed.

Suggesting Improvements

The developers can trigger the suggest_code_improvements method, specifying details like the coding language and file extension. The tool then crafts insightful suggestions for code improvements, delivering concise insights for each file.

Here is a detailed sequence diagram of how the AI-based code review works:

Unbiased Reviews: A Beacon of Objectivity

In the complex realm of code reviews, objectivity is paramount. The Code Improvement Suggester acts as a stalwart, guaranteeing evaluations free from subjective biases.

Unlike traditional processes, this AI-powered tool creates a level playing field, offering impartial scrutiny to every line of code. Developers can rely on suggestions driven by objective analysis, fostering fair assessments and cultivating a healthier code review culture.

Multi-Language Support Simplified

Furthermore, recognizing the diverse linguistic landscape in which developers operate, the Code Improvement Suggester goes beyond conventional boundaries, offering robust support for multiple programming languages.

Whether you are immersed in TypeScript or exploring Rust, it effortlessly adapts and serves as a versatile assistant for developers, while ensuring that the code improvements are accessible and effective, fostering a seamless experience across different languages.

Custom Prompts for Precision

The developers can now harness the power of custom prompts tailored to the unique needs of their projects. This level of customization ensures that the AI-driven insights resonate with individual teams' unique coding styles and requirements.

This adaptability enables the developers to integrate the tool effortlessly into their coding routines, enhancing collaboration and code quality without any language barriers. Regardless of the language you use, the Code Improvement Suggester stands ready as your guiding companion for smoother and more efficient development.

# Custom prompt template supporting multiple languages
template = """As a Code Quality analyst, consider the following for improving code quality in {language}:
Files to scan for code quality: {file_name}
Question: {question}
Helpful Answer:"""

QA_CHAIN_PROMPT = PromptTemplate(
    input_variables=["context", "question", "file_name", "language"],

question = "What one improvement for each file do you propose in code concerning the code quality?"
answers = ""

Languages Supported

C# C++ GO HTML Java
JavaScript Kotlin LaTex Markdown PHP
Protocol Buffers Python reStructuredText Ruby Rust
Scala Solidity Swift TypeScript  

Benefits of Using AI for Code Review

Consistency with Speed

The AI-powered tool ensures consistent and swift code reviews, swiftly addressing potential issues and enhancements.

Increased Productivity

Developers can now divert their focus to creative tasks, confident that routine code reviews are efficiently managed by the AI assistant.

Objective Feedback

AI provides impartial feedback, mitigating the impact of subjective biases often present in manual code reviews.

Safeguarding Your Codebase: Addressing Security Risks

While integrating AI into your code review process offers substantial benefits, addressing security concerns is paramount. Here's how using AzureChatOpenAI with a private deployment hosted over HTTPS mitigates these risks:

Local Data Storage

Your data remains within your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)/network, eliminating the risk of data transmission to OpenAI's public cloud.

HTTPS Encryption

All connections between your systems and the private Azure deployment are encrypted, ensuring data remains secure during transit.

Abstraction Layer

The AI model only accesses embedded document vectors, not raw texts, adding an extra layer of abstraction and fortifying data security.


Embracing AI for code reviews using tools like the Code Improvement Suggester heralds a new era of efficiency and accuracy in software development. This integration not only elevates code quality but also streamlines the development process, allowing developers to focus on their core strength – crafting exceptional code. Embrace the power of AI and witness the transformative impact on your codebase.